Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To Catch a Thief

The Internet has made plagiarism simpler than ever to do but it has also made stolen work easier to spot. There are tools available that can help people find out when others are using their work without permission. These tools upload and scan the work in question and are able to highlight similarities between numbers of original sources. These tools are being used in schools to prevent students from cheating and in companies to retain their integrity.

A man by the name of Jonathon Bailey found out he was being plagiarized and responded with the website: PlagiarismToday.com. Bailey sees RSS feeds as a potential problem because re-using content in a different server can eliminate credit to the original website or author. He recommends that people concerned about their text-free documents should place a watermark over them. When people discover plagiarism, they should talk to the source of it before doing anything drastic and send a Digital Millennium Copyright Act violation notice as a last resort.

Original Article

Have you ever experienced someone plagiarizing your work? If you did, how did you handle it? If not, what would you do if you found someone had?


  1. I have never personally experienced someone plagiarizing my work (that I know of). If I would have found out that someone had, I would turn them into their professor and the professor could handle it from there. I would be upset because I worked hard to write or do something and I would not want someone else to get the credit for it.

  2. I personally have not found any of my work to be plagiarized, if I did, I would confront the person or company that plagiarized it in hopes that they would either site me as a the author or remove it. If nothing was done, I would seek legal advice.

  3. I think that it is so easy now days to plagiarize due to the fact that there is so much information out there and available. With this being said I think that it is great that there are easy ways for teachers to find out if a student is plagiarizing. I have never experienced someone plagiarizing my work. Although, if I did I would probably talk to the person first before making a big scene out of it.

  4. I have never had anybody use my work as their own. If I did, I would probably be pretty upset, because the work that I put it is more myself not for the use of others. I would probably approach them and ask them about it first, see what they have to say, and take it from there.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You overview really made me understand the possibilities of plagiarizing material on the internet. I myself have never experienced this with my own work, but can see why many people would be upset by this. I feel that it is a privilege to have all this information right there at our fingertips, and it is just disrespectful to plagiarize the material. If some one were to do this to me, I would try to find out who this person was and ask their reasoning for doing so.

  7. I never have had my work plagiarized, but I have had concepts or ideas taken and used for some websites I write and work on.
    I address the issue right away by instant messaging the person, emailing them or posting in their threads something about giving credit to those who helped inspire you, in a tactful way.

  8. I have never had someone plagiarize any of my work. If I did I would contact my professor, supervisor, or whomever I had written some work for. I do not believe it is right to plagiarize, and it is not right, and who ever plagiarized should recieve some kind of reprimand.


  9. I have never had the experience of someone plagiarizing my work. If I did find out there would be a number of different things I would do depending on the situation. If it was in regards to school work, I would contact my professor and take the appropriate steps after that. If it was outside of school, such as someone using my photographs I would contact that person as soon as possible and ask for them to remove my items.

  10. I have not had anyone plagiarize my work. If it happened, my response would depend on what it was that they plagiarized. If it was something minor then I would just talk to them about it. If it was, for example, a paper that we were both going to be turning in to the same professor, then I would have to talk to the professor about it.

  11. There are so many ways to post your own work these days that accidental plagiarism must happen more often than I think. We used to have to submit papers to an anti-plagiarism site in high school that cross checked key words and words phrased together. I havent written anything that anyone has wanted to steal and unless they were making some cash off of it I wouldnt make a big deal about it.

  12. I'm not a huge technology person,but everyday I am amazed at what people can do with it. I think there is no way to stop plagiarism completely because someone will find a way. In a school setting you almost have to have students write their papers under teacher supervision in a computer lab.

  13. I haven't had that experience per se but I fear that it could happen especially with my artwork. One piece that I made was printed without my permission and no name was put on it. It a high quality piece. I would feel so awful if I saw that someone had put their name onto my hard work. I think I would consult a lawyer if that happened to me.

  14. Knock on wood, I have never had someone plagiarize my work as of today. I think that I would be hurt if someone tried to pass my ideas as their own. I'd confront the person and ask them to stop. If that did not work, I'd notify the copyright people I guess.
